A Grand Funeral

Sai Vishwanath
1 min readMay 15, 2020

“You don’t know a single person on Earth that’s successful who didn’t put in the work” — Gary Vaynerchuk

Photo by Hayley Catherine on Unsplash

I have an image,
Of how I want to die.
It’s a grand funeral with so many,
All sobbing, but for me.

I realized I need to work,
For a funeral that grand,
Needs a life that’s grander,
And I must not stop, I thought.

I kept on moving,
From a task to task,
From a job to another,
For this goal to others.

And when life isn’t getting that grander,
Or not even a bit close.
I stopped to think why,
I stopped to move at all.

Here’s a sad truth of mine,
That I don’t want you to live too.
Round and round in circles, I go,
I am moving, just not forward though.

Movement differs from Progress pals,
It’s not always taking you ahead.
Only focus on taking tiny steps,
Tiny, but determined steps ahead.



Sai Vishwanath

Trying to do something good enough to make my Bio look impressive.